Lucas Papaw Ointment Pawpaw Cream 200g
Tax included.
It can be used as a local topical application on the following:
- Minor Burns, Sunburn & Scalds
- Gravel Rash, Cuts & Minor Open Wounds
- Nappy Rash & Chaffing
- Splinters & Thorns
- Temporary relief of the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema.
Same formula developed by Dr T.P. Lucas - unchanged in over 100 years!
- Queensland/Australia grown fresh fruit
- microbiologically tested
- high quality ingredients
- meets purity and safety standards
- does not contain polyplasdone, polyvinylpyrrolidone, talc, shellac, sodium laurel sulphate

Lucas Papaw Remedies - Channel 9 QLD Extra - TV Interview - Old factory - 2009 - YouTube
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