Elastoplast Sport Mouthguard Adult Clear Mouthpiece Gum Support Teeth Protectionn
Boil and bite mouthguards, designed for a personalised fit.
Mouthguards are U-shaped pieces of plastic that fit between the upper and lower teeth, protectively moulding around the upper teeth.
Custom-made mouthguards by your dentist provide an excellent fit and protection, but are much more expensive than an off-the-shelf product.
However, according to the reference text Sports Injury Management2... " when properly fitted, the mouth formed (thermal) guard can virtually match the efficacy and comfort of the custom-made guard."
Boil-and-bite mouth guards are made of a thermoplastic material that softens when boiled and will then mould around the teeth when bitten down on. Boil-and-bite mouth guards are a good choice for children who are losing and growing teeth and have an ever-changing bite.
The Elastoplast Sports thermoplastic mouthguards are high-quality thermal guards that are:
Boil and bite mouthguards, designed for a personalised fit. Ideal for protection from concussion, injury to jaw and teeth. Special plastic structure that moulds easily around the teeth.
Step 1 - Select the correct size - Junior (under 10 years), Youth (11-15 years) and Adult (16 years and over). (Please note that these ages are approximate as mouth sizes can vary).
Step 2 - Place the Elastoplast Sport mouthguard over the upper teeth to test for size.
Step 3 - If too large, trim back using scissors until a comfortable size is achieved.
Step 4 - Practise pressing the mouthguard firmly to the roof of the mouth with the tongue whilst biting down gently.
Step 5 - Place the mouthguard in near-boiling water for 10 seconds. Remove with a large spoon and shake off the excess.
Step 6 - Insert mouthguard immediately into position and bite firmly, but gently, to obtain an even bite. The guard will feel warm, but will not burn the mouth.
Step 7 -Whilst in this position, suck the guard into place by exerting pressure with the tongue against the roof of the mouth.
Step 8 - Mould the guard around the side of the teeth with the forefinger to ensure a tight fit.
Step 9- If the fit is not right, repeat until it feels correct.